Test z rozumienia tekstu czytanego

Tekst 1 

Przeczytaj poniższy artykuł i zdecyduj, które stwierdzenia są prawdziwe (TRUE), a które fałszywe (FALSE)


Young people are often asked about their career aspirations. Secondary school
pupils have to make a choice about their future jobs or university courses. By the
age of sixteen or seventeen, they need to be quite clear about what they want
to do in the future. However, some youngsters decide on their dream jobs even
earlier. University College London did a survey among 13,000 British primary
school children aged 7 to 11, asking them about their professional aspirations.
Boys and girls gave different answers. Boys chose becoming a sportsman as
the most attractive career option. Their second most popular choice was work
in social media or gaming. Other jobs in the top ten were: police officer, scientist,
firefighter and positions in the army, navy and air force. For girls the job of
a teacher was the most popular option, followed by vet, sportswoman, doctor
and artist.
The results of the survey show that British youngsters would prefer to be a celebrity
vlogger or gamer than a pop singer or an actor. A career in social media or
gaming was very high on young people’s lists of dream jobs. However, a career
as a singer or musician was ranked ninth and becoming an actor came only
thirteenth. Young people nowadays admire online celebrities more than movie
and TV stars.

Tekst 2

Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i zaznacz właściwą odpowiedź. Tylko 1 odpowiedź do każdego pytania jest poprawna.

Take a walk around the streets of any city in the UK, and you will find plenty of restaurants. Many of them will serve traditional food – but it might not be British! There will almost certainly be Indian, Chinese and Italian restaurants, and probably many others. If you want traditional British food, however, you will probably have to choose fish and chips, or else go to a pub. British pubs used to be smoky, noisy places where men went and children were not allowed. Now all that has changed. Smoking in public places is banned, and many pubs now serve full meals, often to family groups. These days it is quite common to see big family groups (grandparents, mum and dad, children and babies) sitting round a table in a pub. On Sundays, the menu will usually include a traditional ‘roast dinner with all the trimmings’ (roast lamb, beef, pork or chicken, roast potatoes and mixed vegetables). There will probably be curry and lasagne too!